
Why You Should Mulch Your Garden in Spring

Every year, at least 117 million U.S. citizens participate in spring gardening activities of some kind. Unfortunately, many gardeners neglect to mulch their plants when preparing their soil beds. Here are just a few of the

Natural Alternatives To Beautify Your Yard

If you can’t bear the thought of planting new flower beds or another round of weeding the garden, turn to mulch and stone as an alternative. These natural alternatives beautify your garden or landscape and benefit

How Much Mulch for Healthy Plants?

New gardeners sometimes buy mulch without calculating how much they need to use, but that’s a mistake. Buying too much is wasteful, but buying too little is even worse because a healthy supply of mulch is

Five Factors to Weigh When Selecting Landscape Stone

When it comes to landscaping, stone offers both beauty and practicality. What factors should you weigh when selecting landscape stone for your outdoor living space? 1. Aesthetics Whether you’re constructing a specific space like a walkway,

How to Make Your Mulch Work for You

Cedar mulch ready for the new garden Ordering garden mulch can seem like an intimidating venture if you have seen a big pile of freshly delivered mulch sit on the edge of your neighbor’s

Can Wood Mulch Save Water In Home Landscaping?

Get your landscape mulch delivered by truck Choose the Best Garden Mulch for your Residential Landscape There are different types of mulch for your garden or landscaping, each with its characteristics and qualities. Mulch

Things To Consider When Choosing Stone Mulch

Stone mulch pathway in garden The most common landscaping question many homeowners have is about whether stone mulch or traditional mulch is a better option for landscaping. It really depends on what areas in

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